“I wasn’t happy. I was making people around me unhappy.”
“I work in a corporate environment, and spend most of my time in front of a computer. On March 5, 2013 during a visioning exercise – in my car- I asked myself when do I feel the most at peace and satisfied with myself? Myself replied that it was after exercise, particularly yoga, and when I am by the Ocean. I asked myself what I would do for free that combined these elements? Immediately I thought: Paddle Board Yoga! I went back to my desk and asked the computer how to get into this community. I found Paddle Into Fitness, and recognized Gillian Gibree from Roxy Outdoor fitness ads. I read on to learn she is one of the top ranking Women’s Stand up Paddlers in the world. Boom. That day I signed up for the SUP Yoga teaching training certification.
I thought about shedding my BS and living more joyfully for four months. I prepared physically (going to yoga) and mentally (keeping positive and knowing change was coming). The first day I was nervous to meet Gillian, who turned out to be one of the most humble and down to earth women I have ever met.
When the group met I was beside myself because of how many different walks of life there were in the room. Ranging from a spunky business and spirit driven lady from Cape Cod MA, to a Missionary from New Zealand that had made her trip to SD with her brand new baby.“
Read the rest of Courtney’s blog about her experience at the June 2013 Certification!
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