Five Tips to Paddle Faster

Roxy athlete, SUP instructor and owner of Paddle into Fitness, Gillian Gibree spends most of the time in the water perfecting her stroke. Here’s her 5 simple tips on how to paddle faster. Use this as a guide on your next Stand Up Paddle adventure!

1. Drive the entire paddle blade into the water before pulling without overextending your arms.
2. Use your core, not your arms to paddle. You should feel the power coming from your abs and oblique’s!
3. Try to keep the paddle as straight as possible vertically. That will give you a straighter line in the water.
4. Release the paddle at your feet. Keeping it in the water past your body will slow you down.
5. Feather the blade (‘Slice’ the air) to have a quicker recovery.

Five Tips to Paddle Faster 01

February Newsletter – 2013 SUP Yoga Certification Dates


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